Quite frankly the most fun you can have with your clothes on, I returned to my favourite film festival in the world last week for another excellent time complete with Southern hospitality. And I managed to only have one pulled pork sandwich this time, which I'm hoping will save my guts for another movie, another festival, another year.

I kicked off my festival with a High School Screening where the students had an interactive approach to film viewing. As Morning Echo rolled, the audience screamed out 'DIVORCE!' as Chris and Donald argue in the kitchen, and laughed out loud at the cat and dog antics. I did get the question 'Where did you get the idea from?' twice though, so I obviously need to work on my answer to that one.
Although it clearly wasn't the reason to travel to North Carolina, I was happy to catch up with some Scottish films that I haven't managed to catch at home. Adrian and Finlay's film MA BAR was screening and in attendance was editor Mark Jenkins. And out on its own, Matt Hulse's FOLLOW THE MASTER screened to a happy audience at Jengo's Playhouse.
I got to catch BOMBER, PRECIOUS and WAITING FOR ARMAGEDDON and then it was my public screening in Jengo's. Greeted with fully adult laughter this time, it was wonderful to see the film with a totally new audience, and I was aware that this is the first festival I've been to with this film. I couldn't be more chuffed about how it went down.

Although I missed dance extravaganza Dance-A-Lorus on opening night, I did get to catch the show on Saturday morning. Awesome awesome. In new-to-me venue City Stage where you feel like you're in the court room from To Kill A Mockingbird.

Finally, a festival ain't a festival without a little bit of competition. And though there are no official prizes at Cucalorus, I was thrilled to walk away with the crown of Musical Chairs Champion. And a bunch of new friends. Thanks-a-lorus y'all.